Python Unified SDK v6.0.1

This is a patch release that fixes a small issue to allows a POS client to be created with either create_client() or create_pos_client(). Currently, passing in a config to create_client() will work, but this PR makes it easier to use create_pos_client() directly by passing a POS token.

Python Unified SDK v5.0.5

This is a patch release that fixes a small issue to allows a POS client to be created with either create_client() or create_pos_client(). Currently, passing in a config to create_client() will work, but this PR makes it easier to use create_pos_client() directly by passing a POS token.

Python Unified SDK v6.0.0

We are releasing the next major version of the Python SDK - version 6.0.0. The full release can be found here

PHP Unified SDK v8.0.3

This is a patch update that provides the following:

PHP Key Util v2.0.0

This is a major release that drops support for PHP 8.0 and adds support for PHP 8.3.

Python Unified SDK v5.0.3

This is a patch version to the SDK that updates dependencies.

PHP Key Util v1.1.4

This is a small patch release which uses PHPUnit 9.6.16 for the v1.1.x branch.

Python Unified SDK v5.0.2

This is a patch version to the SDK that updates dependencies.

BitPay Checkout for Magento 2

This is a minor version of the Magento 2 module that moves the refund to the sales_order_payment_refund event instead of using dependency injection.

Python Unified SDK v5.0.1

This is a major revision to the SDK that implements Pydantic, reducing the amount of boilerplate code, especially around setters and getters, and introducing type validation.