PHP Unified SDK v9.0.2

What's Changed

Python Unified SDK v6.0.2

This is a patch release that addresses a type issue with satoshisPerByte where it was defined as an int but is coming back from the API as a float. We've also updated the examples to remove .value on the facade as it's not necessary.

BitPay Checkout for WooCommerce v5.5.0

What's Changed

Java Unified SDK v10.0.1

This is a patch version that bumps version dependencies.

BitPay Checkout for WooCommerce v5.4.1

This is a patch release that adds the following functionality:

BitPay Checkout for WooCommerce v5.4.0

This is a minor release that adds the following functionality:

PHP Key Utils v2.0.1


PHP Unified SDK v9.0.1


PHP Unified SDK v9.0.0

We are releasing the next major version of the PHP SDK - version 9.0.0. The full release can be found here

PHP Full SDK v7.5.0

This is a minor release that only adds support for PHP 8.2 and 8.3, and allows for symfony/yaml version 7 to be used. This is to support the upcoming version of Magento 2.4.7.