Setup & Initiate Payment

The following describes the user experience for setting up BitPay's Quick Checkout in person payment tool and how to initiate payment.


  1. Login to your BitPay Dashboard at
  2. Click 'Payment tools' from the left navigation.
  3. Choose 'Quick Checkout for Web'.
  4. Click 'Quick Checkout for Web' under the 'My Quick Checkout URL' heading.
  5. You will now be taken to the Quick Checkout page where you can create a new checkout for your product or service.

The provided URL is unique to your account and can be bookmarked/saved on in store devices for easy future access.

Initiate Payment

  1. Launch the Quick Checkout webpage
  2. Enter the desired Order ID and the amount to be paid. Both parameters will be available on your ledger/reconciliation reports to easily identify transactions for accounting purposes.
  3. A QR code with order summary will be displayed. Instruct the customer to scan with their mobile camera and complete payment on their own device.