
Displayed on the Overview tab of your dashboard, these are records of funds BitPay is holding for you.

When you receive a payment through BitPay, funds will be added to your ledger. Think of your ledger as a record of how much money BitPay is holding for you at the current moment. As long as your ledger balance meets the settlement threshold for your settlement currency, BitPay will transfer those funds to you in the next settlement process.

You can view your ledgers from the "Overview" tab of your merchant dashboard.

  • Active ledgers are ledgers that are currently set up to send settlements to you on a daily basis.
  • Inactive ledgers are ledgers you have set up previously, but have since been turned off for settlements.

If you click on your ledger, you will be able to view all past transaction records, including fees. You can also download this data to either a CSV or Quickbooks document.

If you use BitPay to send cryptocurrency (payouts), you will need to add funds to your ledger before you can send any outbound payments.

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