
Accept bitcoin on your PrestaShop site with BitPay's open source plugin.

Integration Requirements

Plugin Installation

  1. Download the latest release of the plugin.
  2. Login to your PrestaShop admin page and select "Modules" > "Modules & Services"
  3. Click on the "Upload a module" button on the top and select the .zip or .tar.gz file you have just downloaded
  4. When the installation is successful, you will see a "Module Installed!" message. The next step is to configure the installed module.

Plugin Configuration

After you have installed the BitPay plugin, the configuration steps are:

  1. Create an API token from your BitPay merchant dashboard:
    1. Log in to your BitPay merchant account and go to the API token settings
    2. Click on the Add new token button: indicate a token label (for instance: OpenCart), make sure "Require Authentication" is unchecked and click on the Add Token button
    3. Copy the token value

  1. In your PrestaShop admin page go to "Modules" > "Modules & Services" and click on the configure button next to the BitPay Checkout module you have just installed
  2. Copy & paste the API Token previously created in the designated field of the BitPay module settings, then click the Save button in order to complete the setup.