Cancel Payouts

Cancel payouts

Cancel a specific payout batch request, based on the payout batch ID.

It is very important that merchants implement this endpoint as it is the only way for them to cancel a batch prior to execution. Once a payout has been executed, the funds cannot be recovered.

DELETE /payouts/:payoutId

Facades PAYOUT

HTTP Request

An example code to cancel payout

var cancelledPayout = bitpay.CancelPayout(retrievedPayout.Id);

Response Body Fields

statusSet to success in case of successful request and to error if the request failed, a description of the error will then be indicated in the message field.string
codeReserved for future use.number
dataEmpty data object {}.object
messageIn case of error, this field will contain a description message. Set to null if the request is successful.string

HTTP Response

    "status": "success",
    "data": {},
    "message": null