Get Ledgers
GET /ledgers
Facades : MERCHANT
var ledgers = bitpay.GetLedgers();
HTTP Response
Name | Description | Type |
data | Array of objects indicating the balance for each currency | array |
→ currency | Ledger currency | string |
→ balance | Ledger balance in the corresponding currency | number |
"data": [
"currency": "EUR",
"balance": 0
"currency": "USD",
"balance": 2389.82
"currency": "BTC",
"balance": 0.000287
Retrieve ledger entries
GET /ledgers/:currency
Facades : MERCHANT
HTTP Request
URL Parameters
| Parameter | Description |Type | Presence
| ------ | ------ | ----- |------ |
| currency | ISO 4217 3-character currency code for your merchant account | string
| Mandatory |
| ?token= | When fetching ledger entries, pass a merchant facade token as a URL parameter | string
| Mandatory |
| &startDate= | The start date for fetching ledger entries. Format YYYY-MM-DD | string
| Mandatory |
| &endDate= | The start date for fetching ledger entries. Format YYYY-MM-DD | string
| Mandatory |
| Fields | Description | Presence
| ------ | ------ | ------ |
| X-Accept-Version | must be set to 2.0.0
for requests to the BitPay API | Mandatory |
| Content-Type | must be set to application/json
for requests to the BitPay API | Mandatory |
| X-Identity | the hexadecimal public key generated from the client private key. | Mandatory |
| X-Signature | header is the ECDSA signature of the full request URL concatenated with the request body, signed with your private key. | Mandatory |
private static DateTime today = DateTime.Now;
private static DateTime tomorrow = today.AddDays(1);
private static DateTime yesterday = today.AddDays(-1);
var ledger = bitpay.GetLedger(Currency.BTC, yesterday.AddMonths(-1).AddDays(3), tomorrow);
HTTP Response
"type": "Invoice",
"amount": 823000000,
"code": 1000,
"description": "20210510_fghij",
"timestamp": "2021-05-10T20:08:52.919Z",
"txType": "sale",
"scale": 100000000,
"invoiceId": "Hpqc63wvE1ZjzeeH4kEycF",
"buyerFields": {
"buyerName": "John Doe",
"buyerAddress1": "2630 Hegal Place",
"buyerAddress2": "Apt 42",
"buyerCity": "Alexandria",
"buyerState": "VA",
"buyerZip": "23242",
"buyerCountry": "US",
"buyerPhone": "555-123-456",
"buyerNotify": true,
"buyerEmail": ""
"invoiceAmount": 10,
"invoiceCurrency": "USD",
"transactionCurrency": "BCH",
"id": "FR4rgfADCRNmAhtz1Ci4kU"
"type": "Invoice Fee",
"amount": -8000000,
"code": 1023,
"description": "Invoice Fee",
"timestamp": "2021-05-10T20:08:52.919Z",
"txType": "Invoice Fee",
"scale": 100000000,
"invoiceId": "Hpqc63wvE1ZjzeeH4kEycF",
"buyerFields": {
"buyerName": "John Doe",
"buyerAddress1": "2630 Hegal Place",
"buyerAddress2": "Apt 42",
"buyerCity": "Alexandria",
"buyerState": "VA",
"buyerZip": "23242",
"buyerCountry": "US",
"buyerPhone": "555-123-456",
"buyerNotify": true,
"buyerEmail": ""
"invoiceAmount": 10,
"invoiceCurrency": "USD",
"transactionCurrency": "BCH",
"id": "XCkhgHKP2pSme4qszMpM3B"
"type": "Invoice Refund",
"supportRequest": "SYyrnbRCJ78V1DknHakKPo",
"amount": -823000000,
"code": 1020,
"description": "Invoice Refund",
"timestamp": "2021-05-12T13:00:45.063Z",
"txType": "Invoice Refund",
"scale": 100000000,
"invoiceId": "Hpqc63wvE1ZjzeeH4kEycF",
"buyerFields": {
"buyerName": "John Doe",
"buyerAddress1": "2630 Hegal Place",
"buyerAddress2": "Apt 42",
"buyerCity": "Alexandria",
"buyerState": "VA",
"buyerZip": "23242",
"buyerCountry": "US",
"buyerPhone": "555-123-456",
"buyerNotify": true,
"buyerEmail": ""
"invoiceAmount": 10,
"invoiceCurrency": "USD",
"transactionCurrency": "BCH",
"id": "PBqakmWMZ2H3RwhGq9vCsg"