Create a Bill

Create a bill

Bills are payment requests addressed to specific buyers. Bill line items have fixed prices, typically denominated in fiat currency.

POST /bills


// Create a list of items to add in the bill
List<Item> items = new List<Item>();
items.Add(new Item(){Price = 30.0, Quantity = 9, Description = "product-a"});
items.Add(new Item(){Price = 14.0, Quantity = 16, Description = "product-b"});
items.Add(new Item(){Price = 3.90, Quantity = 42, Description = "product-c"});
items.Add(new Item(){Price = 6.99, Quantity = 12, Description = "product-d"});

// create a bill and make sure we receive an id - which means it has been successfully submitted
var bill = new Bill()
    Number = "1", 
    Currency = Currency.USD,
    Email = "", //email address mandatory
    Items = items
var basicBill = bitpay.CreateBill(bill);

HTTP Response

  "facade": "merchant/bill",
  "data": {
    "status": "draft",
    "url": "",
    "number": "bill1234-EFGH",
    "createdDate": "2021-05-21T09:51:04.126Z",
    "dueDate": "2021-05-31T00:00:00.000Z",
    "currency": "USD",
    "name": "John Doe",
    "address1": "2630 Hegal Place",
    "address2": "Apt 42",
    "city": "Alexandria",
    "state": "VA",
    "zip": "23242",
    "country": "US",
    "email": "",
    "cc": [
    "phone": "555-123-456",
    "passProcessingFee": true,
    "emailBill": true,
    "id": "3Zpmji8bRKxWJo2NJbWX5H",
    "merchant": "7HyKWn3d4xdhAMQYAEVxVq",
    "items": [
        "id": "NV35GRWtrdB2cmGEjY4LKY",
        "description": "Test Item 1",
        "price": 6,
        "quantity": 1
        "id": "Apy3i2TpzHRYP8tJCkrZMT",
        "description": "Test Item 2",
        "price": 4,
        "quantity": 1
    "token": "6EBQR37MgDJPfEiLY3jtRq7eTP2aodR5V5wmXyyZhru5FM5yF4RCGKYQtnT7nhwHjA"