JUMP TOCTRL-/Start HereStandards & ConceptsEnvironmentsGetting AccessMaking RequestsError CodesLedger Entry CodesAPI ReferenceTokensRequest an API TokenpostRetrieve Approved API TokensgetView the SIN(s) Linked to an Approved TokengetLink a New SIN to an Approved TokenpostRemove an SIN to an Approved TokendeleteInvoicesCreate an InvoicepostUpdate an InvoiceputRetrieve an InvoicegetRetrieve an Invoice by GUIDgetRetrieve Invoices Filtered by QuerygetRetrieve an Event TokengetCancel an InvoicedeleteCancel an Invoice by GUIDdeleteRequest an Invoice Webhook to be ResentpostRefundsCreate a Refund RequestpostUpdate a Refund RequestputUpdate a Refund by GUID RequestputRetrieve a Refund RequestgetRetrieve a Refund by GUID RequestgetRetrieve Refunds of an InvoicegetCancel a Refund RequestdeleteCancel a Refund by GUID RequestdeleteRequest a Refund Notification to be ResentpostSettlementsRetrieve SettlementsgetRetrieve a SettlementgetFetch a Reconciliation ReportgetLedgersRetrieve Account BalancesgetRetrieve Ledger EntriesgetRecipientsInvite RecipientspostRetrieve a RecipientgetUpdate a RecipientputRemove a RecipientdeleteRetrieve Recipients by StatusgetRequest a Recipient Webhook to be ResentpostPayoutsCreate a PayoutpostCreate Payout GrouppostRetrieve a PayoutgetRetrieve Payouts Filtered by QuerygetCancel a PayoutdeleteCancel a Payout GroupdeleteRequest a Payout Webhook to be ResentpostBillsCreate a BillpostRetrieve a BillgetUpdate a BillputRetrieve Bills by StatusgetDeliver a Bill Via EmailpostSubscriptionsCreate a SubscriptionpostRetrieve a SubscriptiongetUpdate a SubscriptionputRetrieve Subscriptions by StatusgetRatesRetrieve all the rates for a given cryptocurrencygetRetrieve the rates for a cryptocurrency / fiat pairgetSessionsCreate an API SessionpostCurrenciesRetrieve the Supported CurrenciesgetWalletsRetrieve the Supported WalletsgetNotifications (IPN)InvoicesRefundsRecipientsPayoutsNotification CodesHMAC VerificationSDKsBitPay SDK OverviewLite vs. Full SDKC# SDKC# Full SDK (version < 5.0.0)Create an InvoiceRetrieve an InvoiceRetrieve Invoice Filtered By QueryUpdate InvoiceDelete an InvoiceCreate a BillRetrieve a BillUpdate a BillDeliver a BillGet LedgersCreate Payout RecipientsGet Payout Recipient by IDGet Payout RecipientsUpdate Payout RecipientDelete Payout RecipientRequest Payout Recipient NotificationRecipient WebhooksCreate Payout RequestGet Payout Request by IDGet Payout RequestCancel PayoutsRequest Payout NotificationPayout WebhooksGet Exchange RatesCreate Refund RequestGet Refund RequestGet All Refund Requests on InvoiceUpdate a RefundCancel a RefundRequest Refund NotificationRetrieve SettlementsRetrieve a Settlement by IDGet Settlement Reconciliation ReportGet Supported WalletsJava SDKJava Full SDK (version < 9.0.0)Create an InvoiceRetrieve an InvoiceRetrieve an Invoice by GUIDRetrieve InvoicesUpdate an InvoiceCancel an InvoiceCancel an Invoice by GUIDPay an InvoiceCreate a RefundCreate a Refund with GUIDCreate a Refund by ObjectRetrieve a RefundRetrieve a Refund by GUIDGet All Refund Requests by Invoice IDUpdate a RefundUpdate a Refund by GUIDCancel a RefundCancel a Refund by GUIDRequest a Refund NotificationRetrieve SettlementsRetrieve a SettlementFetch a Reconciliation ReportRetrieve Account BalancesRetrieve Ledger EntriesCreate Payout RecipientsGet Payout RecipientGet Payout RecipientsUpdate Payout RecipientDelete Payout RecipientRequest Payout Recipient NotificationRecipient WebhooksCreate Payout RequestCreate Payout GroupCancel a Payout GroupGet Payout by IDGet PayoutsCancel PayoutRequest Payout NotificationPayout WebhooksCreate a BillRetrieve a BillRetrieve BillsRetrieve Bills by StatusUpdate a BillDeliver a BillGet Exchange RatesRetrieve Supported WalletsNode SDKNode Full SDK (version < 5.0.0)Create an InvoiceRetrieve an InvoiceRetrieve an Invoice by GUIDRetrieve InvoicesUpdate an InvoiceCancel an InvoiceCancel an Invoice by GUIDPay an InvoiceCreate Refund RequestGet RefundGet Refund by GUIDGet All Refunds on InvoiceUpdate RefundUpdate Refund by GUIDCancel RefundCancel Refund by GUIDRequest Refund NotificationGet SettlementsGet Settlement by IDGet Settlement Reconciliation ExportRetrieve Account BalancesRetrieve Ledger EntriesCreate Payout RecipientsGet Payout RecipientGet Payout RecipientsUpdate Payout RecipientsDelete Payout RecipientRequest Payout Recipient NotificationRecipient WebhooksCreate Payout RequestCreate Payout GroupCancel a Payout GroupGet Payout by IDGet PayoutsCancel PayoutsRequest Payout NotificationPayout WebhooksCreate BillRetrieve a BillRetrieve Bills by StatusUpdate a BillDeliver BillGet Exchange RatesGet CurrenciesGet Supported WalletsPHP SDKPHP Full SDK (version < 8.0.0)Create an InvoiceRetrieve an InvoiceRetrieve an Invoice by GUIDRetrieve InvoicesUpdate an InvoiceCancel an InvoiceCancel an Invoice by GUIDPay an InvoiceCreate a new refund requestGet existing refund requestGet all refund requests on an InvoiceUpdate Refund RequestCancel Refund RequestRequest Refund NotificationGet SettlementsGet Settlement by IDGet Settlement Reconciliation ReportRetrieve Account BalancesRetrieve Ledger EntriesCreate Payout RecipientsGet Payout RecipientGet Payout RecipientsUpdate Payout RecipientDelete Payout RecipientRequest Payout Recipient NotificationRecipient WebhooksCreate Payout RequestCreate Payout GroupCancel a Payout GroupGet Payout by IDGet PayoutsCancel PayoutsRequest Payout NotificationPayout WebhooksCreate BillRetrieve a BillRetrieve Bills by StatusUpdate a BillDeliver BillGet Exchange RatesGet CurrenciesPython SDKCreate an InvoiceRetrieve an InvoiceRetrieve an Invoice by GUIDRetrieve InvoicesUpdate an InvoiceCancel an InvoiceCancel an Invoice by GUIDPay an InvoiceCreate a new refund requestGet existing refund requestGet all refund requests on an InvoiceUpdate Refund RequestUpdate Refund Request by GUIDCancel Refund RequestCancel Refund Request by GUIDRequest Refund NotificationGet SettlementsGet Settlement by IDGet Settlement Reconciliation ReportRetrieve Account BalancesRetrieve Ledger EntriesCreate Payout RecipientsGet Payout RecipientGet Payout RecipientsUpdate Payout RecipientDelete Payout RecipientRequest Payout Recipient NotificationRecipient WebhooksCreate Payout RequestCreate Payout GroupCancel a Payout GroupGet Payout by IDGet PayoutsCancel PayoutsRequest Payout NotificationPayout WebhooksCreate BillRetrieve a BillRetrieve Bills by StatusUpdate a BillDeliver BillGet Exchange RatesGet CurrenciesRetrieve Supported WalletsC# Lite SDK (Retired)Create an InvoiceRetrieve an InvoiceGet Exchange RatesCreate a BillRetrieve a BillDeliver a BillJava Lite SDK (Retired)Create an InvoiceRetrieve an InvoiceCreate a BillRetrieve a BillDeliver a BillGet Exchange RatesErrorsPHP Lite SDK (Retired)Create an InvoiceRetrieve an InvoiceCreate a BillGet a Bill By IDDeliver a BillGet Exchange RatesGet CurrenciesDemo AppsGeneral OverviewJava (Spring Boot) Kiosk DemoPHP (Laravel) Kiosk DemoC# (.NET) Kiosk DemoPHP (Symfony) Kiosk DemoRetrieve an InvoiceFacades: pos, merchantOverview Get a specific invoice by ID. Parameters ParameterDescriptioninvoiceIdThe ID of the invoice to retrieve. PHP (Merchant Facade)PHP (POS Facade)$invoice = $bitpay->getInvoice("QrPWSMkq594kQfJex28S7X"); $invoice = $bitpay->getInvoice("QrPWSMkq594kQfJex28S7X", Facade::POS, false); Updated over 1 year ago Create an InvoiceRetrieve an Invoice by GUIDDid this page help you?YesNo