Get Ledger

Get ledger

GET /ledgers


Example code to get ledger entries.

let retrievedLedger;

let date = new Date();
let dateEnd = new Date().toISOString().split('T')[0];
let dateStart = new Date(date.setDate(date.getDate()-30)).toISOString().split('T')[0];

retrievedLedger = await client.GetLedger(Currencies.USD, dateStart, dateEnd);

HTTP Response

        "type": "Invoice",
        "amount": 823000000,
        "code": 1000,
        "description": "20210510_fghij",
        "timestamp": "2021-05-10T20:08:52.919Z",
        "txType": "sale",
        "scale": 100000000,
        "invoiceId": "Hpqc63wvE1ZjzeeH4kEycF",
        "buyerFields": {
        "buyerName": "John Doe",
        "buyerAddress1": "2630 Hegal Place",
        "buyerAddress2": "Apt 42",
        "buyerCity": "Alexandria",
        "buyerState": "VA",
        "buyerZip": "23242",
        "buyerCountry": "US",
        "buyerPhone": "555-123-456",
        "buyerNotify": true,
        "buyerEmail": "[email protected]"
        "invoiceAmount": 10,
        "invoiceCurrency": "USD",
        "transactionCurrency": "BCH",
        "id": "FR4rgfADCRNmAhtz1Ci4kU"
        "type": "Invoice Fee",
        "amount": -8000000,
        "code": 1023,
        "description": "Invoice Fee",
        "timestamp": "2021-05-10T20:08:52.919Z",
        "txType": "Invoice Fee",
        "scale": 100000000,
        "invoiceId": "Hpqc63wvE1ZjzeeH4kEycF",
        "buyerFields": {
        "buyerName": "John Doe",
        "buyerAddress1": "2630 Hegal Place",
        "buyerAddress2": "Apt 42",
        "buyerCity": "Alexandria",
        "buyerState": "VA",
        "buyerZip": "23242",
        "buyerCountry": "US",
        "buyerPhone": "555-123-456",
        "buyerNotify": true,
        "buyerEmail": "[email protected]"
        "invoiceAmount": 10,
        "invoiceCurrency": "USD",
        "transactionCurrency": "BCH",
        "id": "XCkhgHKP2pSme4qszMpM3B"
        "type": "Invoice Refund",
        "supportRequest": "SYyrnbRCJ78V1DknHakKPo",
        "amount": -823000000,
        "code": 1020,
        "description": "Invoice Refund",
        "timestamp": "2021-05-12T13:00:45.063Z",
        "txType": "Invoice Refund",
        "scale": 100000000,
        "invoiceId": "Hpqc63wvE1ZjzeeH4kEycF",
        "buyerFields": {
        "buyerName": "John Doe",
        "buyerAddress1": "2630 Hegal Place",
        "buyerAddress2": "Apt 42",
        "buyerCity": "Alexandria",
        "buyerState": "VA",
        "buyerZip": "23242",
        "buyerCountry": "US",
        "buyerPhone": "555-123-456",
        "buyerNotify": true,
        "buyerEmail": "[email protected]"
        "invoiceAmount": 10,
        "invoiceCurrency": "USD",
        "transactionCurrency": "BCH",
        "id": "PBqakmWMZ2H3RwhGq9vCsg"

Get ledger

GET /ledgers


Example code to get ledger balances

retrievedLedger = await client.GetLedgers();

HTTP Response

    "data": [
        "currency": "EUR",
        "balance": 0
        "currency": "USD",
        "balance": 2389.82
        "currency": "BTC",
        "balance": 0.000287