Get Refund Request

Get existing refund request

GET /refunds/:refundId


HTTP Request

To get the existing refund request, pass the Refund Id with URL parameter

let retrievedRefund;

retrievedRefund = await client.GetRefund(createdRefund);

Response Body Fields

idthe refund request idstring
requestDatethe date that the refund request was created (ISO-8601)string
statusrefund lifecycle status of the request string. preview - no funds deducted, refund will not proceed automatically. created - funds deducted/allocated if immediate, will proceed when txs are confirmed and required data is collected. pending - refund is in process of being fulfilled. cancelled - refund was canceled by merchant action. success - refund was successfully processed. failure - refund failed during processing (this is really more of an internal state)string
amountAmount to be refunded in the currency indicatednumber
currencyreference currency used for the refund, usually the same as the currency used to create the invoice.string
immediatewhether funds should be removed from merchant ledger immediately on submission or at time of processingboolean
refundFeethe amount of refund fee expressed in terms of pricing currencynumber
lastRefundNotificationthe last time notification of buyer was attempteddate
invoiceassociated invoice idstring
buyerPaysRefundFeewhether the buyer should pay the refund fee (default is merchant)boolean
    "id": "TPxL75VtRRuoNexUaNQ8da",
    "invoice": "8g6B3UsQ9QWvjqFrrYBssm",
    "status": "preview",
    "amount": 1,
    "currency": "USD",
    "refundFee": 0.09,
    "immediate": false,
    "buyerPaysRefundFee": false,
    "requestDate": "2021-12-21T14:42:58.000Z"